Once the temperatures rise and the air conditioners turn on, the phone calls start rolling in. One of the most frequent calls is about water leaking through the ceiling from a Air Conditioner. Most of the time (assuming the leak is coming from inside the home) the problem is a clogged condensate drain line.
What is a condensate drain line?
When your air conditioner removes heat from your home, it also removes humidity by turning it to water, which is collected in a pan know as the condensate drain pan. From the drain pan, the water exits your home though the condensate drain line. This line can become clogged with dirt, debris or a buildup of rust and algae. A clogged condensate drain line can lead to bigger problems such as:
Hundreds to thousands of dollars in water damage
A breeding ground for harmful contaminants like mold, mildew, virus and bacteria
House fires, In some situations the leaking water can drip onto electrical components and cause fires.
If water is dripping from the ceiling and your furnace and or air handler is located in the attic, the most likely cause is a clogged condensate drain line.
What should I do if the AC unit in the attic is leaking water?
If you already have water leaking from your ceiling, call us immediately to flush out your condensate drain line or replace the drain pan. You may also wish to install a HVAC EZ Trap. This trap will automatically shut off your air conditioner is the water level reaches a certain level, protecting your home and your cooling system.
Checking the condensate drain line is one part of our Spring AC Check-Up. For only $59 we’ll perform this service and more to make sure your AC unit is ready for the season. To bool your Spring AC Check-Up contact us today at www.HorneHVAC.com